Director: Richard Brooks
Awards: nominated for lots of Academy Awards (didn't win) and for a Golden Globe (didn't win) but is now on AFI list of best 100 films
Cast: Robert Blake; Scott Wilson; John Forsythe; Paul Stewart; Gerald S O'Loughlon; WIll Geer; Jeff Corey; John Gallaudet; James Flavin; Charles McGraw
sez says: this is a compelling story --and this film is a well done telling of that story. The conclusion, that the two men, when together, formed a third person capable of doing what neither of them could have/ or would have done alone, gives you pause to think. Alienation, arrogance, looking for a magic bullet, having a weak moral center all seem like components that might be considered when asking why would these men have slaughtered a family that they didn't know. And the story seemed to be a little more sympathetic toward one of the killers and I am not sure why. But all in all it will get your attention and hold it. It might not be perfect but it is mighty good, (Grade A-)
15 years ago